Avoid this common mistake which ruins the look of joined fibre cement weatherboards...Read now
How to choose the right board for your cladding or siding job
The variety of cladding materials on the market is enormous. In this article I explain the different options, and then focus in on the two main types of boards my customers are usually most interested in: fibre cement weatherboards and timber boards.Read now -
Can cladding increase the value of my home?
I'm often asked by customers if cladding their property will increase the value of their home. Here are my thoughts...Read now -
How to safely cut fibre cement weatherboards
Read nowFibre cement weatherboards are totally safe when fully intact, but once you start cutting them to size, the dust generated can potentially be harmful if inhaled. Here are my tips on reducing any risk when cutting boards...
How to create a flush window sill fascia
How to make sure a protruding window sill doesn't spoil the look of your new cladding.Read now -
How to cut cement weatherboard around tricky pipes
Read nowCutting cladding boards to fit around exterior pipes requires some precision and patience. On this job we needed to butt up our cement weatherboards around a really tricky section of pipe work.
Cladding touch ups: put your paintbrush away and use this tip instead…
On any cladding job you’re always going to get a few nicks on boards that need touching up. The most common way people deal with this is to get a paintbrush out. But for me that’s a recipe for disaster. Here’s my simple CladHack to deal with touch ups the pro way!
How to keep a lid on cladding costs
Some tips on keeping the cost of your cladding job down by making savings on labour costs and excessive wastage of boards.Read now -
How to clad around a window reveal
Cladding around a window reveal can be a challenging task, but follow these tips and you'll end up with a beautiful finish to complete your job.Read now